Underage drinking charges can pose a significant threat to your future. A criminal conviction on your record can impact your ability to find a job after graduating from college or even getting into college to being with. You have rights after being arrested for underage drinking. Attorney Chelesea Vaughan of Magee Goldstein Lasky and Sayers, PC is committed to protecting your rights.
We frequently represent individuals who are facing underage drinking, public consumption, and other drinking-related charges. Our team understands the serious nature of these charges and what options may be available in your case to get the charges dismissed or reduced.
Speak with us by completing our online form or dialing (540) 343-9800 today.
Individuals under the age of 21 who purchase, possess, or consume alcohol may face the following penalties:
You need a lawyer — and not just any lawyer. Every case is unique and needs to be carefully evaluated by someone who knows what they are doing. Ms. Vaughan is an experienced criminal defense attorney who knows what’s at stake and how to find a favorable outcome in your case.
Do not wait to contact a lawyer if you or your child has been arrested for underage drinking. The law firm can use Skype to discuss criminal cases with students and their parents upon request.
Call (540) 343-9800 or contact the firm online to schedule a consultation with no obligations.